Discover our platform to organize live streaming events

Connect Digital Platform is an innovative and functional hub, for live or pre-recorded streaming events, with the peculiarity of offering completely digital and customized initiatives, perfectly stable and with many pluses, in terms of participation and communication.

Connect is one of the best solutions on the market, because in addition to providing opportunities for broadcasting videos, press reviews, questions from the public and presentations, it is able to guarantee widespread penetration on linked sites and social media.

A space where all the participants in your event can come into contact, interact and expand their business, with new contacts and highly qualified profiles;
Business Area
Sponsors will find their own dedicated area, with virtual stands, constantly updated material, dedicated corporate color, where they can share videos, presentations and live demos with their customers and all event participants;
Live Event
A video streaming technology that allows the development of different formats: Webinar – Live Demo – Round Tables – International Events – Interviews (also recorded) – Talk from 2 to 10 guests simultaneously

Connect Digital Platform is a business platform, which makes it possible to connect the live video stream on the main social platforms such as Youtube, Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin.

The versatility and completeness of the platform offers live television quality, providing a direction to control the various contents, with the possibility of interacting with viewers, thus creating a much richer and more stimulating engagement.

To have an offer tailored to your needs, do not hesitate to get in touch with our sales manager